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A member registered Feb 05, 2018

Recent community posts

1.I v noticed that  you cant set  patrol points for alout of the enemies in the game except for the pink cube thing.will that change?

2.d you planning on  setting multiply waypints  for npc/enemys so  that enemys can move further? 

3.the  tortoriel but have you ever thought of updating so it shows you alout of the mechanises and features in the game?

thanks for all the answers

this game has great  potential for a  people who like to make games couple of questions.

1.Do you plan on going to steam early access(when its in a polished enough state dont rush)since it could give you WAY more exposure? expansive are you planning it to be.Wil there be things like a in game enemy creator where you can mix and max different head,bodeys,arm weapons etc  from all the enemies  in the game?

3.Will there be things like  advanced settings like patrol points and selecting specific animations for  charters?

4.Will you be able to create custom quests?